The Faculty of Physics

Badiyan Yevhen Yukhymovych


    Professor of the Department of Solid State Physics, Honored Lecturer of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

    Address: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Svobody sq., 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine, The Faculty of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics
    Phone: +38 (057) 707-53-47.

In 1961 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the A.G. Gorky Kharkiv State University. In 1968, under the supervision of Prof. Pines B.Ya., he defended his PhD thesis. Since 1970, he has been an associate professor of the Department of Solid State Physics, since 2009, he has been a professor of the Department of Solid State Physics. He holds the academic title of Professor, Honored Lecturer of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. For high achievements in educational, scientific and educational work, he was awarded the V.N. Karazin Medal and was awarded the Order of Merit "For Service to Karazinsky. For personal achievements in the field of science and innovative activity, he was awarded a number of awards of various levels.

Academic work
For many years he has read and is reading special courses "Crystalography", "Physical Materials Science", "Crystal Structure Defects", "Introduction to Solid State Physics", "Diffusion Processes in Metals and Alloys", "Methods of Solid State Research", "Technique of Physical Experiments" and others, the head of many course, bachelor's and master's theses. On his initiative and under his direct leadership, an educational laboratory for the study of the structure of solids was created, and a practical course in physical materials science is being modernized.

Scientific activity
Scientific interests are, first of all, the physics of strength and plasticity of crystalline bodies, the relationship between structural changes and relaxation processes during plastic deformation of crystalline bodies in a wide temperature range, X-ray structural studies. For many years he has been engaged in the problem of the stability of reflective coatings for laser technology; the influence of space factors on the properties of polymer materials; the study of the properties of reinforcing coatings. He was the scientific supervisor of more than a dozen economic contract works. Author of a large number of various scientific developments, including: a method of modeling the atomic structure of grain boundaries; a method of studying orientational changes occurring in crystalline materials during plastic deformation using computer technologies; various methods of computer metallography; a method of vacuum hardening of steel; methods of X-ray research of substructural characteristics in crystalline samples. Author of about 200 scientific publications, including the textbook “Practical Crystallography” with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 18 author's certificates and patents for inventions. Awarded the badge “Inventor of the USSR”. Scientific supervisor of six candidate dissertations.

Main scientific publications:

  • Badiyan E.E., Sirenko A.F. Бадиян Е.Е., An investigation of the Substructural Changes Accompanying High-Temperature Creep of Mono- and Polycrystalline Nickel Samples // J. Mat. Sci. – 1971, – № 6. – Р. 1479 – 1485
  • Startsev V.I., Badiyan E.E., Osetski A.I., Soldatov V.P. Temperature and stress dependences of creep in single crystals of lead between 20 and 300 K // J. Mat. Sci. – 1975. – 10,  – С. 387-392
  • Badiyan E.E., Tonkopriad A.G., Sakharova N.A., Special features of plastic deformation and failure of aluminium two – dimensional polycrystals // Functional Materials. – 1996. – V.3, – №1. – P. 81 – 83
  • Badiyan E.E., Rabukhin V.B. On increased energy and diffusion permeability of ternary grain joints in metal polycrystals // Functional Materials.– 2003.– V. 10, № 2.– p. 243 – 246.
  • Badiyan E.E., Tonkopryad A.G., Sakharova N.A., Shekhovtsov O.V. Computerized procedure for study of grain size distribution in polycrystals // Functional Materials.– 2001.– V. 8, № 2.– p. 407 – 409.
  • Бадіян Є.Ю., Тонкопряд А.Г., Сахарова Н.О., Шеховцов О.В., Шурінов Р.В. Атомна структура та енергія жорстких границь зерен ГЦК-кристалів // МФиНТ.– 2004.– Т.26, №6.– С. 809-819.
  • Badiyan E.E., Tonkopryad A.G., Sakharova N.A., Shekhovtsov O.V., Shurinov R.V. Structural relaxation at plastic deformation of two-dimensional polycrystals with fcc lattice // Functional Materials. – 2004.– V. 11, № 2.– p. 402 – 409.
  • Badiyan E.E., Tonkopryad A.G., Shekhovtsov O.V., Shurinov R.V. Optical technique of investigation of the structural changes during a plastic deformation of aluminium polycrystals // Functional Materials. – 2006.– V. 13, № 3. – P. 411-414.
  • Патент 93021 Україна, МПК G01N 21/00, G01N 21/17, G01N 33/20. Спосіб визначення кристалографічної орієнтації зерен на поверхні полікристалічного зразка / Бадіян Є.Ю., Тонкопряд А.Г., Шеховцов О.В., Шурінов Р.В., Зєтова Т.Р.; Заяв. і патентовласник ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна. –№ а 2010 02923; заявл. 15.03.10; опубл. 27.12.10, Бюл. №24.
  • E.E. Badiyan, A.G. Tonkopryad, O.V. Shehovtsov, R.V. Shorinov, T.R. Zetova. Optical Technique for the In Situ Study of Orientation and Structure Changes Accompanied the Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Specimens of Aluminum // Inorganic Materials. – 2011. – №15. – P. 1663 – 1666.
  • Патент 104249 України, МПК (2013.01), G01N 21/00, G01N 33/20 (2006.1). Спосіб візуалізації орієнтаційної неоднорідності та морфології поверхні монокристала або окремих зерен полікристала / Бадіян Є.Ю., Тонкопряд А.Г., Шеховцов О.В., Шурінов Р.В., Зетова Т.Р., Казачкова К.С.; Заяв. і патентовласник ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна. – № а 2012 14845; заявл. 24.12.12.; опубл. 10.01.14, Бюл. №1.
  • E. E. Badiyan, A. G. Tonkopryad, O. V. Shekhovtsov, R. V. Shurinov, T. R. Zetova, K. S. Kazachkova Determination of Characteristics of Substructure and Orientation Inhomogeneity in Polycrystalline Specimens // Functional Materials. – 2014.– V. 21, № 3. – P. 307–312.
  • Патент 108245 України. МПК F03G 7/06 (2006.01), F16K 31/02 (2006.1). Термомеханічний пристрій для одержання великих переміщень робочого штока / Бадіян Є.Ю., Тонкопряд А.Г., Шеховцов О.В., Шурінов Р.В., Тимощук А.М.; Заяв. і патентовласник ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна. – № а 2013 01503; заявл. 08.02.13.; опубл. 10.04. 2015 р.
  • Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G., Shekhovtsov O. V., Shurinov R. V., Zetova T. R., Kazachkova K. S. Investigation of origination and development of the surface deformation relief of crystalline materials by laser radiation // Functional Materials. – 2015.– V. 22, № 3. – P. 396–401.
  • Бадіян Є.Ю., Тонкопряд А.Г., Шеховцов О.В., Шурінов Р.В. Пластичні ротації в полікристалічних фольгах алюминию // МФиНТ. – 2015. – Т. 37. – № 6. – С 951 – 960.
  • Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G., Shekhovtsov O. V., Shurinov R. V., Zetova T. R. Substructure and orientation heterogeneity of polycrystalline aluminum and its changes during plastic deformation // Functional Materials. – 2016.– V. 23, № 4. – P. 561–569.
  • E.E. Badiyan, A.G. Tonkopryad, T.R. Zetova, R.V. Shurinov, S.V. Talakh, A.V. Dergacheva Features of structure of copper two-dimensional polycrystals obtained by recrystallization method and nature of its changes in process of plastic deformation // ISSN 1562-6016. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2016. №1(101), p. 88
  • E.E. Badiyan, A.G. Tonkopryad, T.R. Zetova, R.V. Shurinov Effects of temperature on the laws of plastic deformation and mechanical characteristics foils al coated with titanium nitride // ISSN 1562-6016. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2016. №2(102), p. 92-98. 1)
  • Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G., Ftomov Ye. V., Shekhovtsov O. V. Dislocation kinetics during plastic deformation of two-dimensional polycrystals. Problems of Atomic Science and  Technology. Series  “Radiation  Damage  Physics and Radiation Materials Science”. – 2019. – №2(120). – Р. 25-29.
  • Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G., Ftomov Ye. V., Shekhovtsov O. V.Dislocation-kinetic approach to the description of the strain hardening of plate polycrystalline specimens of pure metals. Functional materials. – 2019. – №3 (26).
  • Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G., Ftomov Ye. V., Shekhovtsov O. V. Strain hardening of flat samples of two-dimensional high purity Al polycrystals. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Pure Materials and the Vacuum Technologies” – 2020. – № 1(125). – P. 51-55.
  • Badiyan E. E., Ftomov Ye. V., Shekhovtsov O. V., Tonkopryad A. G. Crystal lattice rotations during plastic deformation of two-dimensional polycrystalline Al samples. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Pure Materials and the Vacuum Technologies” – 2020. – № 1(125). – P. 56-59.
  • Ftomov Ye. V., Shekhovtsov O. V., Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G.–Effects of grain-size and specimen thickness on dislocation kinetics in uniaxially strained thin Al sheets with one grain in thickness // Functional materials, 2021. – №4 (28). – P. 652-661.
  • Ftomov Ye. V., Badiyan E. E., Tonkopryad A. G., Shekhovtsov O. V.,  Shurinov R. V.Development of plastic deformation in two-dimensional copper polycrystals with different twin structure // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Pure Materials and the Vacuum Technologies” – 2022.– № 1(137). – P. 32-39.
  • Вовк Р.В., Бадіян Є.Ю.,Тонкопряд А.Г., Шурінов Р.В. Патент на винахід № 126409 Спосіб визначення вмісту домішки та розподілу областей з домішкою на поверхні досліджуваного кристалічного зразка. (а 2020 01 981) МПК G01N 21/29 (2006/01). Опубл. 28.09.2022, Бюл. №39
  • E.E. Badiyan, A.G. Tonkopryad, M.R. Shurinov, R.V. Shurinov, T.R. Zetova. Structural, substructural, and orientational changes in various grains of polycrystalline aluminium samples in the process of plastic deformation  // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Pure Materials and the Vacuum Technologies” 2024. №1(149), p. 77-81.