Bіletskyi Volodymyr Іvanovych

Ph.D. in physics and mathematics sciences, associate professor;
Telephone:+38 (057) 707-51-52;
Address: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Department of Physics, 6 Svobody Square, Kharkov 61022
Е-mail: stereobaza@ukr.net
Was born January 23, 1945. In 1971, completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Experimental Physics of M. Gorky KSU. In 1976 defended thesis for the PhDof physics and mathematics with a specialization in "low temperature physics." Since 1975, Senior Fellow SRS KSU, since 1995, Associate Professor of low temperature physics chair of Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Research interests: physics of low dimensional systems, superconductivity.
Courses: "Electronic phenomena in metals at low temperatures", "Methods for low temperatures experiments," "Methods for precise measurements."
Main scientific publications:
В.И.Белецкий, А.В.Голик, А.П.Королюк, М.А.Оболенский. Скорости электронов в вуисмуте и сурьме. ЖЭТФ, (1975), т.69, вып. 3(9), с. 1045-1052.
М.А.Оболенский, А.В.Бондаренко, В.И.Белецкий, В.Н.Моргун, В.П.Попов, Н.Н.Чеботаев, А.С.Панфилов, А.И.Смирнов, О.А.Миронов, С.В.Чистяков, И.Ю.Скрылев. Синтез и физические свойства монокристаллов YBaCuO. ФНТ, (1990), Т.16, №9,
M.A.Obolensy, Kh.B.Chashka, V.I.Beletsky, V.A.Basteev, V.V.Solovey. Hydrogen in later structures. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, (1993), v.18, N3, p.317-322.
С.А.Неділько, Т.А.Войтенко, М.А.Зеленько, М.О.Оболенський, М.М.Чеботаєв, В.І.Білецький. Високотемпературна надпровідна кераміка в системах BiLnSrCuO (Ln-la,Nd,Y), (2007), т.8, №4, с.740-742.
R.V.Vovk, M.A.Obolenskii, A.A.Zavgorodniy, I.I.Goulatis, V.I.Beletskii, A.Chroneos. Structural relaxation, metal-insulator transition and pseudo-gap in oxygen deficient HoBaCuO single crystals. Physica C, (2009), 469, p.203-206.
Obolensky, M., Kravchenko, A., Beletsky, V., Petrusenko, Yu., Borysenko, V., Lavrynenko, S., Andrew Basteev, A., and Leonid Bazyma, L. (2011) Thermal, Chemical and Radiation Treatment Influence on Hydrogen Adsorption Capability in Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Fundamentals of Low-Dimensional Carbon Nanomaterials. Edited by John J. Boeck. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (2011)1284, р.р.125-130.