The Faculty of Physics

Efimova Nelli Nikolaevna

    associate professor of General Physics Department;

    Address:  Svobody sq. 4, Faculty of Physics KNU, 61022,
    Kharkov, Ukraine
    Phone: +38 (057) 707-56-30;

   In 1966 graduated from the Physics Department of Kharkov State University, Gorky, in 1974. - Post-graduate department of general physics with specialization in "physics of magnetic phenomena." In 1977 defended her Ph.D. thesis: "Investigation of exchange interactions in iron by diamagnetic mnogopodreshotochnyh substitutions."
   Since 1967 worked at the Kharkov State University, Department of General Physics in the following positions: junior and senior research fellow of SRD, since 1974. - An assistant and then associate professor. HES is a member of the Physics Department.
   The direction of scientific activity - frustrated magnetic systems and spin glasses. On this subject under the authority reserved two theses: 1.Tkachenko MV "Disordered spin-glass state in diluted ferrimagnetic oxides, Kharkov, 1990. 2. Ghalib Mohammad "Magnetic and thermal properties
Heisenberg spin-glass systems, Kharkov, 1994., has over 60 scientific publications.
   Teaching the courses: "General Physics" for students of Chemical Faculty of the University, "Recent developments in the physics of magnetic phenomena" - a common course for graduate physics department, as well as three elective courses  for students of the specialization of General Physics: 1.Magnitnye properties of atoms and weak magnetism, 2. The physics of magnetic phenomena in the condensed state 3. The properties of magnetically ordered materials

Science publications:
1. Фазовый переход первого рода в возвратное состояние в разбавленном анизотропном ферримагнетике. // Письма в ЖЭТФ.-1996.-том64.-вып.6.-С.412-415.
2. Новая линия термодинамических фазовых переходов на x- T – диаграмме разбавленной гейзенберговской системы с короткодействием Li0.5Fe2.5-xGaxO4 // Письма в ЖЭТФ.-1998.-том 67.-вып.5.-С.329-333.
3. Magnetic properties of the diluted ferrimagnet Li0.5Fe1.1Ga1.4O4 with spatially nonuniform exchange // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.-1998.-.185.-P.360-368.
4. Фрустрированные состояния типа спинового стекла в разбавленных ферримагнитных оксидах // Физика низких температур.-2005.-том31.-вып.5-С.513-529.
5. Гистерезисные свойства спиновых стекол BaFe12-xMexO19 (Me-In3+  Ga3+) Вiсник ХНУ iменi В.Н.Каразiна. Сер.Фiзика.-2007.-№783.-С.92-96.