Gevorkyan Edvin Spartakovych
Doctor of Tekhnical Sciences, Address: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Svobody sq., 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine, The Faculty of Physics, Department of Department of
Low-Temperature Рhysics
In 1982, he graduated from the Yerevan Polytechnic Institute, majoring in "Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal Cutting Machines and Tools". Candidate of technical sciences since 1990. Doctor of technical sciences since 2008. He defended his dissertation in the specialized academic council D 64.050.03 at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" in Kharkiv. Active member of the Transport Academy of Ukraine.
Since 2018 Currently, he is a visiting professor at Radom University of Technology and Humanities (Radom, Poland).
Since 2019 to the present time, he is a visiting professor at the Technical College of Yibin University (Ybin, Sichuan, China).
From 2022 at the present time, he is a professor of the Department of Low Temperature Physics of Karazin University.
Field of scientific activity: development of composite materials for industry, powder metallurgy, materials science, metallurgy.
Member of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral Dissertations D 64.050.03 at KhPI National Technical University.
Member of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral Dissertations at UkrDUZT.
Has more than 215 scientific works, 28 patents, 2 international patents.
- Gevorkyan E, Melnik O, Chishkala V The obtaining of high-density specimens and analysis of mechanical strength characteristics of a composite based on ZrO2-WC nanopowders. Nanoscale Research Letters 2014, 9:355
- Semchenko G, Gevorkyan E Consolidated nanocomposite materials with the defined properties .Advances in Science and Technology. – Vol. 91, 2014. – pp. 24-31.
- V.Sirota, V.Ivanisenko,I.Pavlenko,E.Gevorkyan,V.Chishkala,M.Kovaleva .Synthesis and consolidation of (Zr0,94Y0,06)O1,88 nanopowders. Ceramics International 41(2015)5263-5269.
- Геворкян Э.С.,Тимофеева Л.А.,Чишкала В.А.,Кислый П.С. .Горячее прессование нанопорошков монокарбида вольфрама при нагревании электрическим током./ Наноструктурное материаловедение -№2-2006-с.46-51
- Gevorkyan E., Gutsalenko Yu., Prokopiv N. [Геворкян Е., Гуцаленко Ю., Прокопів М.] Effect of nanopowdered additions of tungsten monocarbide on properties of hard-alloy cutting material [Влияние наноразмерных добавок монокарбида вольфрама на свойства твердосплавнихрежущих материалов] // Fiability & Durability [Targu-Jiu: “Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu]. – ISSN 1844-640X. – 2011. – No.1(7). – PP. 1-6.
- Э.С.Геворкян, О.М.Мельник, В.А.Чишкала. Некоторые особенности структурообразования циркониевой керамики с добавками нано-WC // Огнеупоры и техническая керамика. – 2013. – №7-8. – С.22-26.
- Кислый П.С., Геворкян Э.С., Шкуропатенко В.А., Гуцаленко Ю.Г. Получение материалов из нанопорошков оксида алюминия с применением современных методов консолидации . Сверхтвердые материалы. – №5. – 2010. – С. 28-35.
- Геворкян Э.С.,Гуцаленко Ю.Г., Прокопив Н.М. Влияние наноразмерных частиц монокарбида вольфрама на свойства твердосплавных режущих материалов Збірник наукових праць ВАТ «УкрНДІВ огнетривів ім .А.Г.Бережного-№110, 2010. – С. 160-165.
- V.Kodash ,E.Gevorkyan Tungsten curbide cutting tool materials C04B35/36 United States Patent #6,617,271 09.09.2003.