Khotkevich Andrey Vladimirovich
Dr. Habil. in physics and mathematics sciences, professor of low temperatures chair Phone:+38 (057) 707-51-52 (Low temperature physics chair);
Was born May 4, 1954. Graduated from Kharkov State University in 1976. Leading Research Fellow, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, unit of point-contact spectroscopy. Since 2011, Professor of low temperature physics chair of Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Research interests: low temperature metal physics, superconductivity.
Courses: "Electronic properties of metals", "Modern methods for physical experiment".
Main scientific publications:
1. Khotkevich A.V., Yanson I.K. Atlas of point contact spectra of electron-phonon interactions in metals. - Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston/Dordrecht/London (1995) 168 p.
2. Балкашин О.П., Янсон И.К., Хоткевич А.В. Туннельный эффект в сверхпроводниках с неравновесным заполнением квазичастичных состояний под лазерным облучением. ЖЭТФ 72, вып.3 (1977) 1182- 1191.
3. Хоткевич А.В., Янсон И.К., Лазарева М.Б., Соколенко В.И., Стародубов Я.Д. Влияние плоскостей двойникования на спектр электрон-фононного взаимодействия в олове. ЖЭТФ 98, вып.11 (1990) 1672-1679.
4. Yanson I.K., Fisun V.V, Hesper R., Khotkevich A.V., Krans J.M., Mydosh J.A., van Ruitenbeek J.M. Size dependence of Kondo scattering in point contacts. Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, No.2 (1995) 302-305.
Khotkevich A.V. Modern state of the point contact spectroscopy of electron-phonon interaction in transition metals. Physica B 218 (1996) 31-34.
5. Kamarchuk G.V., Kolobov I.G., Khotkevich A.V., Yanson I.K., Pospelov A.P., Levitsky I.A., Euler W.B. New chemical sensors based on point heterocontacts between single wall carbon nanotubes and gold wires. Sensors and Acuators B 134 (2008) 1022-1026.
6. Khotkevych V.V., Khotkevych N.V., Morlok S.V., Konopatskyi B.L., Khotkevych A.V. Electron-phonon interaction and nonlinear transport phenomena in solid Hg point-contacts. J.of Physics, Conf. Series 150 (2009) 022036, 4 p.