Litvinov Yurij Viktorovych
Senior teacher of the Department of Low Temperature Physics Address: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Е-mail:
He graduated from the Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute named after G. WITH. Frying pans in 1981 He worked as a senior engineer of the Department of Physics at KhDPI named after G. WITH. Frying pans until 1988. He worked in several enterprises for the production of teaching aids, including since 1991 as the director of the enterprise "ITM". Under his leadership and with his direct participation, the following teaching aids were developed and manufactured: language classrooms based on computer technologies, multimedia laboratories, computer measuring complexes. The company's products are widely known in Ukraine and beyond, were demonstrated at Ukrainian and international exhibitions, and were awarded medals and diplomas of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine. Activity of Lytvynov Yu. IN. awarded with diplomas and certificates of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. Since 2003, he worked part-time at the Kharkiv State Pedagogical University as an associate professor of the Department of Physics. Since 2015, he has been working at KhNU named after V.N. Karazin in the position of head of the educational and research laboratory of physics teaching methods, from 2023, part-time, in the position of senior teacher of the department of low-temperature physics.
Scientific work. In recent years, he worked on mastering the technology of growing single crystals of the superconducting compound YВaCuO.
Educational and teaching-methodical work. He teaches the discipline "Computer modeling of physical processes and phenomena" for masters of the National Academy of Sciences. Supervised the qualification methodical works of Department LTPh masters in modeling of physical phenomena. Participated in projects to modernize workshops in medical and biological physics, electricity and magnetism, general master's workshop and several research laboratory facilities.
Main scientific publications:
1. Evolution of excess conductivity in YBCO single crystals after irradiation with fast electrons Litvinov, Y.V., Vovk, R.V., Dobrovolskiy, O.V. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 2020, 573, 1353645
2.Transverse conductivity and the pseudogap in YBCO single crystals irradiated with fast electrons Khadzhai, G.Y., Vovk, R.V., Litvinov, Y.V., Sklyar, V.V., Dobrovolskiy, O.V. Modern Physics Letters B, 2019, 33(20), 1950233
3. Evolution of the transverse electrical resistivity of YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals under irradiation with high-energy electrons Khadzhai, G.Ya., Litvinov, Yu.V., Vovk, R.V. Low Temperature Physics, 2019, 45(7), pp. 916–920
4. Evolution of the transverse electrical resistance of YBa2Cu3O7–δ single crystals under irradiation with high-energy electrons Khadzhai, G.Ya., Litvinov, Yu.V., Vovk, R.V. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2019, 45(7), pp. 916–920
5.Transverse conductivity and pseudogap in single crystals YBa2Cu3O7-δ irradiated by high-energy electrons Litvinov, Y.V., Khadzhai, G.Y., Samoilov, A.V., ... Vovk, N.R., Sklar, V.V. Functional Materials, 2019, 26(3), pp. 462–465