Petrenko Yevhen Volodymyrovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Low Temperature Physics; Address: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Е-mail:
Dr. Petrenko graduated from the Faculty of Physics of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in 2015. During 2015-2018, he was a PhD student at the B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2020, he defended his thesis entitled “Study of effects affecting fluctuation conductivity and the formation of a pseudogap state in cuprate HTSCs and magnetic superconductors” in the specialty 01.04.07 “Solid State Physics” and received the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Since 2022, he has been a research associate in the Department of Point-Contact Spectroscopy at the B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
He teaches courses "Physics of Quantum Liquids" to 3rd year students, "Nobel Level and Recent Achievements in Low-Temperature Physics" to 4th year students, "Physics of Low-Temperature and High-Temperature Superconductivity" to 5th year students, and "Physics of Dispersed Systems: 2. Physics of Superconductors" to 6th year students of the Faculty of Physics.
Scientific interests are superconductivity, including high-temperature one, physics of nanosystems, heat capacity.
Scientific publications:
1. Adiabatic dynamics of one-dimensional classical Hamiltonian dissipative systems / G.M. Pritula, E.V. Petrenko, O.V. Usatenko // Physics Letters A. – 2018. – V. 382, № 8, P. 548-553.
2. Effect of annealing on a pseudogap state in untwinned YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystals / A. L. Solovjov, E. V. Petrenko, L. V. Omelchenko, R. V. Vovk, I. L. Goulatis & A. Chroneos // Scientific Reports. – 2019. – V. 9, № 9274, P. 1–13.
3. Peculiarities of pseudogap in Y0.95Pr0.05Ba2Cu3O7−δ single crystals under pressure up to 1.7 GPa/ A. L. Solovjov, L. V. Omelchenko, E. V. Petrenko, R. V. Vovk, V. V. Khotkevych, A. Chroneos // Scientific Reports. – 2019. – V. 9, № 20424, P. 1–16.
4. Fluctuating Cooper pairs in FeSe at temperatures exceeding double Tc / A. L. Solovjov, E. V. Petrenko, L. V. Omelchenko, E. Nazarova, K. Buchkov, K. Rogacki // Supercond. Sci. Technol. – 2021. – V. 34, № 1, P. 1–11.
5. Study of fluctuation conductivity in YBa2Cu3O7-δ films in strong magnetic fields / E. V. Petrenko, L.V. Omelchenko, Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, N.V. Shytov, K. Rogacki, D. M. Sergeyev, A. L. Solovjov // Low Temperature Physics. – 2021. – V. 47, № 12, P. 1148–1156.
6. Temperature dependence of upper critical fields and coherence lengths for optimally-doped YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films in strong magnetic fields / E. V. Petrenko, L.V. Omelchenko, A. V. Terekhov, Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, K. Rogacki, D. M. Sergeyev, A. L. Solovjov // Low Temperature Physics. – 2022. – V. 48, № 10, P. 854-864.
7. Effects of annealing on the fluctuation conductivity and pseudogap in slightly doped HoBa2Cu3O7–δ single crystals / A. L. Solovjov, L.V. Omelchenko, E. V. Petrenko, Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, A.S. Kolesnik, S. Dzhumanov, R.V. Vovk // Low Temperature Physics. – 2023. – V. 49, № 1, P. 115-127.
8. YBCO polycrystal co-added with BaTiO3 and WO3 nanoparticles: Fluctuation induced conductivity and pseudogap studies / E. Hannachi, Y. Slimani, M. A. Almessiere, S. A. Alotaibi, L. V. Omelchenko, E. V. Petrenko, U. Kurbanov, F. Ben Azzouz, A. L. Solovjov, A. Baykal // Current Applied Physics. – 2023. – V. 48, P. 70-78.