The Faculty of Physics

Petrushenko Sergij Ivanovych


    Associate Professor of the Department of Low-Temperature Physics, Senior Researcher of the Kharkiv National University of Science and Technology
    National University named after V.N. Karazina (Department of Experimental Physics.),
    candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
    Address: Svobody sq. 4, Faculty of Physics KNU, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022.


In 2011, he graduated from the master's degree at Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin and was enrolled as an engineer of the scientific research department of KhNU. In 2018, he defended his PhD thesis "Phase transformations and temperature evolution of the morphological structure of multilayer films, which consist of layers of low-melting metals (Pb, Bi, Sn or In) and more refractory substances (C, Mo or Cu)".
Currently, he works as a senior researcher at the National Research Institute of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin and Associate Professor of the Department of Low Temperature Physics. The scientific output consists of more than 30 scientific works indexed in the Scopus database. As an associate professor of the Department of Low Temperature Physics, he teaches the courses "Modern Problems of Physics" and "Physics of Nanosystems and Modern Microelectronics".
Scientific interests are related to the features of thermal stability of single- and multi-component films, internal size effect and solubility in highly dispersed systems. Researches highly dispersed functional structures, actively cooperates with many scientific centers of Ukraine in conducting electron microscopic research.

Main scientific publications:

1. Фазові перетворення у нанорозмірних системах : навчальний посібник / С. В. Дукаров, С. І. Петрушенко, Р. В. Сухов, В. М. Сухов. – Х. : ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2019. – 120 с. ISBN 978-966-285-524-1. (Навчальний посібник).
2. Klochko, N.P., Klepikova, K.S., Zhadan, D.O., Kopach, V.R., Khrypunova, I.V., Petrushenko, S.I., Dukarov, S.V., Lyubov, V.M., Khrypunova, A.L. Nanostructured ZnO and CuI thin films on poly(ethylene terephthalate) tapes for UV-shielding applications (2020) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 12 (3), art. no. 03007,
3. Dukarov, S.V., Petrushenko, S.I., Churilov, I., Lyalka, A., Bloshenko, Z., Sukhov, V. Thermal Dispergation of Pb-In Alloys Films on the Molybdenum Substrate (2020) Springer Proceedings in Physics, 240, pp. 379-388.
4. Klochko, N.P., Khrypunova, I.V., Klepikova, K.S., Kopach, V.R., Zhadan, D.O., Dukarov, S.V., Petrushenko, S.I., Lyubov, V.M., Kirichenko, M.V., Khrypunova, A.L. Wettability of the Cotton and Polyester Fabrics Coated by Nanostructured Indium-doped Zinc Oxide Layers (2021) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 13 (2), pp. 1-11.
5. Dukarov, S.V., Petrushenko, S.I., Samsonik, A.L., Sukhov, V.N. Phase Diagram of In–Pb Alloy in Condensed Films (2021) Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 218 (2), art. no. 2000455,
6. Saidov, A.S., Razzokov, A.S.H., Petrushenko, S.I., Dukarov, S.V. Obtaining Si-Si1-xGex-(Si1-xGex)1-z(Al1-yGayAs)z-Si1-xGex-(Si1-xGex)1-z(Al1-yGayAs)z Structures from a Tin Solution-Melt in a Single Technological Cycle (2022) Acta Physica Polonica A, 142 (2), pp. 280-284.
7. Petrushenko, S., Dukarov, S., Sukhov, V. Temperature Limits of the Existence of the Liquid Phase of Bismuth Particles that are in Contact with Nanocrystalline Vanadium Films (2022) Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 12th International Conference "Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties", NAP 2022,
8. Petrushenko, S.I., Fijalkowski, M., Kopach, V.R., Shepotko, Y.M., Adach, K., Dukarov, S.V., Sukhov, V.M., Fedonenko, A., Khrypunova, A.L., Klochko, N.P. Triboelectric Nanogenerators Based on Nanostructured Layers of Zinc Oxide Deposited on Carbon Fabric (2023) Journal of Composites Science, 7 (12), art. no. 496,
9. Nevgasimov, O.O., Petrushenko, S.I., Dukarov, S.V., Sukhov, V.M. Inversion of the temperature coefficient of resistance of chromium films as the result of their nanocrystalline structure (2023) Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 49 (4), pp. 482-486.
Petrushenko, S., Dukarov, S., Fijalkowski, M., Sukhov, V. Accelerated recrystallization of nanocrystalline films as a manifestation of the inner size effect of the diffusion coefficient (2024) Vacuum, 226, art. no. 113349,
10. Dukarov, S., Petrushenko, S., Bogatyrenko, S., & Sukhov, V. (2024). Formation and Temperature Stability of the Liquid Phase in Thin-Film Systems. Springer.