The Faculty of Physics

Savchenko Olena Maksymivna

    associate professor of General Physics Department;

    Address:  Svobody sq. 4, Faculty of Physics KNU, r. 5-37,
    Kharkov, Ukraine, 61022
    Phone: +38 (057) 707-56-30 (Department of General Physics);

   In 1978 graduated from the Physics Faculty of A.M. Gorky Kharkov State University. She worked in the Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperature USSR. After finishing post-graduate of Kharkov State University in 1986 she defended her thesis for scientific degree of Ph.D. “Spectroscopic study of structural phase transitions in low-symmetric double molybdate and tungstate”.
   In 1987 she has been working at the university as an assistant, senior lecturer, and since 1995 as an associate professor  of general physics department. In 2000 he was awarded the degree of Associate Professor of General Physics Department. Member of methodical commission of the Physics Faculty. In 2007/ 2008 led the school for young physicists. She taught general physics course for biological and geological and geographical faculties.
   Areas of scientific activity - optics and spectroscopy of crystals magnetooptics, structural phase transitions, methods of teaching physics.
   Courses: "Physics of the fundamentals of geophysics," "Methods properties of solids," "Spectroscopy of magnets."
Main scientific publications and manuals:
1. A susceptibility of complex magnetic systems / / 12-European conference "Physics of Magnetysm", Poznan (Poland), 24-27 June, 2008, p.111.
2. Effects in the system of interaction nanoparticles of highanisotropic ferrimagnets / / International Conference "Functional Materials" Ucraine, Partenit, Crimea, 2009, p.377
3. Kebetz V.I, Savchenko E.M. State certification of graduate students. Guidance for students of Physical Faculty.- Karazin KhNU, 2006.
4. Anders A.G., Borisenko V.G., Savchenko E.M., Taranova I.A. Physics for students-Locksmith. - Kharkov, KarazinKhNU 2006, 88p.
5. Savchenko O.M. Physics. Laboritory for students of Natural Sciences. : Kharkov, KarazinKhNU,  2011.