The Faculty of Physics

Stankevich Dmytro G.

    Docent, department of astronomy;

    Phone: +38 (057) 707-54-70;
    Address: Svobody sq. 4, 2-7, Kharkiv, 61077.

   D. G. Stankevich absolves Kharkov State University at 1978, and started work at Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences as engineer, senior engineer, leader of research group. He worked on software and hardware for digital image processing of astronomical and cosmic images. These works wins the State Price on Science and Technology of Ukraine at 1986.
   He transfers to Kharkov State University at 1988 г. and continues the work on astronomical/cosmic images processing and light scattering by atmosphereless cosmic bodies. D. G. Stankevich is the author of more then hundred of scientific articles in soviet, ukrainian and international journals. At April 1989 he defends the theses of Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on astrophysics at Moscow State University. Starting the same time D. G. Stankevich carries the special courses for astronomy students of Kharkov State University. Since 2001 he works as docent of Department of Astronomy of Kharkov National University, carrying the lection courses on Theoretical astrophysics, General astronomy, Computer methods in astronomy, and some practices. He was the supervisor of more then twenty bachelor and master works. Now D. G. Stankevich is completes the Doctor of Sciences theses.
   He pays a big attention for astronomy popularization among school pupils, carries the excursions and popular lections. He supervises of scientific works on astronomy of scholars at “Small Academy of Sciences” during the last three years.

Main fields of research – computer modeling of light scattering by planets regolith among school pupils, Moon soil spectra interpretation, digital image processing.

Lection courses: «Theoretical astrophysics», «General astronomy», «Computer methods in astronomy», practice of astronomical calculations.

The main scientific publications:

1. Stankevich D., Shkuratov Yu., Grynko E., Muinonen K. Computer simulation of multiple scattering of light in the systems of nontransparent particles // J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer. 2002. V.76, No. 1, 1-16.
2. Stankevich D., Shkuratov Yu. Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulation of light scattering in particulate media with optically contrast structure // J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 2004. V.87, no. 3-4, 289-296.
3. Shkuratov Yu.G., Stankevich D.G., Petrov D.V., Pinet P.C., Cord Au.M., Daydou Y.H. Interpreting photometry of regolith-like surfaces with different topographies: shadowing and multiple scatter // Icarus. 2005. 173, 3–15.
4. Stankevich D., Istomina L., Shkuratov Yu., Videen G. Electromagnetic phase differences in the coherent backscattering enhancement mechanism for random media consisting of large non-transparent spheres // Applied Optics, 2007.