The Faculty of Physics

Van'kevich Alexander

    Associate professor of General Physics Department;

    Address:  Svobody sq. 4, room 5-37, Kharkiv, 61022
    Phone: +38 (057) 707-56-30;

   In 1980 he graduated from the Faculty of Radio-Physics of A.M. Gorky Kharkov State University
In 1998 he defended his Ph. D. thesis "Ordered and disordered states in mixed crystals KDP family".
   In 2008 he was awarded the degree of "Senior Research Scientist".
   Since 1980 to 1986 worked at the Physical-Technical Institute of Low Temperature as a junior researcher. Since 1986 he has been working at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University as a scientific officer, senior researcher, associate professor.
   Scientific Activities - Raman scattering, phase transitions, organometallic compounds with hydrogen bonds
   Teaches a course "The magnetic superlattices and nanofilms", "Using a PC in scientific researches"
   The main publications:
1. Yu.A.Popkov, I.A.Taranova, A.V.Vankevich, E.M.Savchenko, - J. Korean Phys. Soc. 32 S613 (1998).
2. Ю.А.Попков, А.В.Ванькевич, И.А.Таранова, Е.М.Савченко, Л.А.Шувалов, - ФНТ, 25, 861 (1999).
3. А.В.Ванькевич, Ю.А.Попков, И.А.Таранова, ФHТ, 27, 80 (2001).
4. Ванькевич А.В., Гнездилов В.П., Таранова И.А., Андерс А.Г., Кравчина О.В. - Вісник Харківського національного університету, серія "Фізика", 2007, №783, вип. 10, с. 121-125.
5. Ванькевич А.В., Гнездилов В.П., Таранова И.А., Андерс А.Г., Кравчина О.В. - Вісник Харківського національного університету, серія "Фізика", 2008, №821, вип.11, с.128-131.
6. Шеин В.О., Ванькевич А.В., Борисова Н.М., Андерс А.Г., - ФТТ, 2011, том 53, выпуск 12, с. 2327-2331.