Professional Journal
Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series Physics
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Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Series Physics publishes articles and concise messages that contain original results of theoretical and experimental studies, as well as analytical reviews of literary sources on various topical issues of physics on the subject of the publication. |
1. Theoretical Physics2. Solid State Physics
3. Cryogenics
4. Physics of magnetic phenomena
5. Optics and Spectroscopy
6. General issues of physics and among them: methodology and history of physics, mathematical methods of physical research, methods of teaching physics in high school, technique and methods of physical experiment, etc.
Languages - Ukrainian and English.
The total volume of the manuscript should be no more than 15 pages.
The manuscript of the article consists of a title page, which contains title of the article, initials, surnames, ORCID, authors, postal address of the institution where the work was performed, classification indices according to PACS and UDC systems, e-mail address of one of the authors; abstracts with keywords in Ukrainian and English (the abstract in the language of the article is placed on the title page, the abstract together with the title of the article, initials and surnames of the authors, postal address of the institution and keywords in the second language - at the end of the manuscript); the main text of the article, which should be structured; a list of references with links to DOI, if assigned; captions under figures; tables; figures: graphs, photographs.
Conclusions should not repeat the abstract. The abstract should be at least 1800 characters long. It should reflect the problem statement, research methods, main scientific results and conclusions.
In Ukrainian-language articles, captions for figures and tables are duplicated in English. If the text contains Cyrillic or non-English-language citations, a list of references and a REFERENCES section are provided. In their absence − only the REFERENCES section.
When citing Cyrillic or non-English-language references in REFERENCES, the author's (official) English version of the title of the work and the names of the authors should be given. If it is not available, an English translation (commonly used in the literature, if any) is given. At the end of the reference, the language of the original source from which the translation was made should be indicated − for example, (In Ukrainian).
The text of the manuscript should be typed in MicrosoftWord format, starting from version 2013 in *.docx format.
The sheet size is A4. Margins: left and right − 2 cm, top − 2.5 cm, bottom − 3 cm. Fonts: Times New Roman (Cyr) and Arial, line spacing: 1.1.
The title and subheadings of the article are typed in capital letters, no period at the end of the title.
The title of the article, authors, organization, and abstract are placed in one column. The main text of the article is arranged in two columns, column width − 8.25 cm, distance between columns − 0.5 cm. It is allowed to arrange the text in one column if the article contains large figures, tables and many large formulas.
Figures and photographs should be scanned with a sufficiently high resolution (300 DPI − 600 DPI) and inserted into the text of the article. Numbers and labels in figures and photographs should be indicated in the language of the main text of the article and should be readable. All physical quantities are given in SI units and in the language of the main text of the article. Letter designations of physical quantities are given in italics.
To write formulas and equations, use the built-in equation editor.
The material of the article is arranged in the following order:
The number of the conditional decimal classification (UDC) and (PACS): font size 10 pt, normal font, no indentation, left margin.
Title of the article: Arial font, size 14 pt, bold, no indentation, centered.
Authors (initials, surnames): Arial font, size 13 pt, normal font, no indents, centered.
Names of organizations (full name of the organization, city, country, e-mail address Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 9 pt, italicized, no indents, centered.
Abstract (in the language of the main text of the article): Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 9 pt, normal font, indentation of the first line of the paragraph 0.75 cm, centered.
Keywords: Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 9 pt, italicized typeface, paragraph line indentation 0.75 cm, width arrangement.
Text of the article: Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 10 pt, normal font, first line indentation 0.75 cm, width. Words should be separated by only one space. A space after a word before punctuation is not allowed. The text is typed using only soft hyphenation (hyphenation combined with the Ctrl key). A hard space (Ctrl+Shift+space) is placed between the value of a quantity and its unit of measurement.
Subheading names: Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 10 pt, bold, no indentation, centered.
Caption under the figure: Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 10 pt, normal italics, indentation of the first and subsequent lines of the paragraph 0.75 cm, centered.
Formulas: Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 10 pt, normal font, width-wise. Numbering of formulas in parentheses on the right edge of the line.
References: Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size 9 pt, normal font, no indents, width. References to unpublished materials are not allowed. References are given in the original language.
Example for graphing:
Line thickness not exceeding 0,5 mm but not less than 0.18 mm. Size of the letters of a signature 14 pt, but not less than 10 pt, Arial headset.
Example of bibliography:
1. I.P. Pinkevich, V.Y.Sugakov. Theory of solids, PPC "Kiev University", K. (2006), 333 p. (In Ukrainian).
2. M.V. Gnatenko. Ukr. J. Phys., 60, 5, 390 (2015). (In Ukrainian).
3. K. Janakiraman, S. Swamiappan. Materials Letters, 357, 135731 (2024).
4. A.D. Ashby. Phys.Rev., A19, 213 (1985).
5. D.V. Vert. In Progress in Metals, ed. by R. Speer, USA, New York (1976), v.4, p.17.
Editorial office is provided by:
1. Two printed copies of the article signed by its authors.
2. The electronic version of the manuscript should be sent by e-mail address
3. Referral from the institution, where the work has been prepared, and certificate of appraisal in two copies, address, the authors’ full names, telephone numbers, E-mail and contact details of an author to address.
Editorial Board
Vovk R.V. – Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Academic TAU, Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Poida V.P. – Doctor of Science (Tech.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Executive Managing Editor
Korshak V.F. – Doctor of Philosophy (Phys.-Math.), Associated Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Technical Editor
Shurinov R.V. – Doctor of Philosophy (Phys.-Math.), Associated Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Editorial Board
Boiko Yu.I. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Gurevich Yu.G. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Center for Research and Advanced, Mexico
Zyman Z.Z. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Lazorenko O.V. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Associated Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Parhomenko O.O. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, NSC "Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology", Ukraine
Petchenko О.М. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, Ukraine
Portnoi M.Yu. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, University of Exeter, UK
Rozhko S.M. – Doctor of Physics (Phys.-Math.), Professor, London Centre for Nanotechnology, UK
Sokolenko V.I. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Head of the department, NSC KIPT, Ukraine
Chroneos A. – Doctor of Physics (Phys.-Math.) Professor, Imperial Colledge, UK
Feher A. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Kosice, Slovakia
Fedorov P.M. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Shklovskij V.A. – Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Shkuratov J.G. – Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Yampol’skii V.A. – Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Phys.-Math.), Professor, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
Editorial address:
Svobody Sq. 4, 61022 Kharkiv, Ukraine, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Department of Physics, +38 (057)-707-56-76,