The Faculty of Physics

Dubovyk Volodymyr Mykolaiovych

    Associate Professor of Eperimental Physics Department;

    Address: Department of Physics, Svobody sq. 4, room 4-41, Kharkov, 61022.

   1977 – graduated from Department of Physics and Technology, Kharkov State University named after O.M. Gorkii. 1988 – defended PhD thisis “To nonlinear theory of nonuniform nonequilibrium plasma”.
   Since 1981 works at univercity and occupies position of the Head of Technical Training. Since 1989 works in the department of Physics, Devision of Experimental Physics and occupies positions of assistant, seniour professor, assistant professor. In 1992 obtained the diploma of assistant professor.
   Since 2001 – Head of Practical Work on atomic and nuclear physics in the Department of experimental physics.
   Scientific Activities – plasma physics, plasma electronics, theoretical physics.
   Gives Courses “Electricity and magnetism”, “Optics”, Physics of atom and atomic phenomena“, “Physics and nuclear and elementary particles”.
   Author of more than 60 scientific publications and 6 educational tutorials on physics.

Main scientific publications:

1. Dubovik V.N., Lebedev V.P. Physics of atom and nuclear phenomena. Tutorial book for students of physical specialities at universities. – Kharkov, KNU named after V.N. Karazin, 2011. – 300 p.
2. Dubovik V.N. Solutions of problems and keys to tests on astronomy. Tutorial boo for 11 grade students. Academic level. Kharkiv. Master-class, 2011.
3.  Dubovik V.N. Problematic approach to study physics. / Bliashenko G.S.//All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of continuous education”. – Kharkiv: KNU named after V.N. Karazin, 2003. – p.41.
4. Dubovik V.N. Testing system on general physics course. / Andronov V.M., Gapon E.V. // “Physical phenomena in solid states”. Materials of the 5th international conference. – Kharkov, KNU named after V.N. Karazin, October 25-26, 2001, edited by Ulianov V.V. – p. 86.
5. Дубовик В. Н., Лебедев В. П. Физика атома и атомних явлений: учебное пособие для студентов физических специальностей университетов. Харьков: ХНУ им. В.Н. Каразина,2012. – 252 с.
6. Дубовик В.М., Сухов В.М. Лекції з молекулярної фізики та термодинаміки : навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів Х. : ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2013. – 160 с. лист №1/11-530 Х.:  ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2013. –96с.