The Faculty of Physics

Gretskij Andrey Mikhajlovich

   He was born in 1945 in Moscow. In 1962 he entered at Astronomy Department of Physical School of Kharkiv A. M. Gorky State University and finished its in December of 1967. In March of 1968 he was entered to postgraduate course (academician N.P. Barabashov was as the scientific head). From 1969 to 1970 he served in army forces of USSR and after this he came back to postgraduate course and closed it in 1972. From this year he begins to work as junior scientific researcher of Astronomical Observatory of Kharkiv State University, from 1978 – Senior Researcher. In 1977 he had defended his PhD thesis «Spectrophotometry of Saturn rings». From 1986 he worked as associated professor of Astronomy Department of Physical School.
   He has the award marks «Vasyl Sukhomlinsky», «High achiever of education» and other honor awards of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The International Astronomical Union has named an asteroid with a number 92389 as Gretskij.

Field of research – Physics of Solar System bodies, statistical methods of processing of astronomical images, helioseismology.

He lectured courses: constantly «Spherical astronomy», «Principles of ecology», «Methods of astronomical investigations», «Theory of probability and mathematical statistics», «New methods in astrophysics», «Protection of labour in astronomy», occasionally «General astronomy», «General astrophysics», «Theoretical astrophysics», «History of astronomy».

Main scientific and pedagogic publications:

1. Alexandrov Yu.V., Gretskij А.М., Prishljak М.P. Astronomy. Book for teacher. – К.: Proceeding «Ranok», 2005. – 254 p.
2. Alexandrov Yu.V., Gretskij А.М., Zakhozhay V.А. About development of educational astronomical instrument-making. Proc. Conf. «Astronomical Education of scholars». −К., 2003. −P. 124–129.
3. Alexandrov Yu.V., Gretskij А.М., Evsjukov N.N., Zakhozhay V.А., Psariov V.A., Prishljak М.P. About Coception of astronomical education in middle school. Vestn. Astron. School. −2002. −2, № 2. −P. 16-32.
4. Belkina I.L., Beletskij S.А., Gretskij А.М., Marchenko G.P. CCD-observations of the Sun in bands Не I 1083 nm, Н alfa, К Са II. Kinemat. Phys. neb. tel. −1996. −12, № 2. −P. 65-74.
5. Gretskij А.М., Dudiniv V.N. Certificate of authorship № 222 339.−1985.
6. Gretskij А.М., Coherence in astrophysical problems. Vestnik of Kharkov. Univer. Methods of astronomical observations. Solar System. −1985. −№ 278. −P. 16-18.
7. Gretskij А.М. Some results of spectroscopy of Saturn rings (1970-1972). 1. Vestnik of Kharkov. Univer. −1976.−№ 137. Physics of Moon and Planets. General astrometry. −P. 2І-ЗІ.
8. Gretskij А.М. Some results of spectroscopy of Saturn rings (1970-1972). 2. Vestnik of Kharkov. Univer. −1977. −№ 160. Physics of Moon and Planets. General astrometry. −P. 23-32.