The Faculty of Physics

Ivanov Ivan Heorhiiovych


    Candidate of sciences, associate professor

    Address: Physics faculty, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022
    Tel.: +38(057)707-53-64 (department of solid-state physics)

  In 1957 he graduated from the physico-matematical faculty of the Kharkov State University. Before entering PhD student he worked at Solid-State Physics Department. He did the practices with students.
  In 1967 he was awarded   PhD degree. The topic of PhD thesis was «Creep and aftereffect of metals and alloys».
  From 1957 he has been working at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University as laboratory assistant, teacher, associate professor, x-ray laboratory manager, engineer.
Scientific interests: durability and plasticity of the metallic systems and calcium-phosphate materials.
Research interests:  «Solid State Physics», «X-ray structure analysis».

Main scientific publications:

  • Zyman Z. Z. Sintering peculiarities for hydroxyapatite with different degrees of crystallinity / Z. Z. Zyman, I. G. Ivanov, D. V. Roсhmistrov, V. I. Glushko, N. V. Tkachenko, S. M. Kijko // J. Biomed. Mater. Res. - 2001. - Vol. 54. - № 2. - P. 256-263.
  • Зыман З. З. Исследование процессов газовыделения гидроксилапатита при отжиге / З. З. Зыман, Д. В. Рохмистров, В. И. Глушко, И. Г. Иванов // Вісник ХНУ, серія "Фізика".- 2006. - №739. - вип. 9. - С. 159-163.
  • Zyman Z. The influence of foreign ions on the crystal lattice of hydroxyapatite upon heating / Z. Zyman, D. Rokhmistrov, I. Ivanov, M. Epple // Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech.  - 2006. - Vol. 37. - № 6.  - P. 530-532.
  • Zyman Z. Z. Thermal impurity reactions and structural changes in slightly carbonated hydroxyapatite / Z. Z. Zyman, D. V. Rokhmistrov, V. I. Glushko, I. G. Ivanov //  J Mater Sci: Mater Med. - 2009. - Vol. 20. - P. 1389-1399.