The Faculty of Physics

Palehin Vyacheslav Petrovich

    associate professor of General Physics Department;

    Address:  Svobody sq. 4, Faculty of Physics KNU, 61022,
    Kharkov, Ukraine
    Phone: +38 (057) 707-56-30;

   In 1969 has graduate Physics faculty of M Gorky Kharkov State University and from that time up today works as assistant, senior teacher, associate professor.
   In 1980 he has got degree of dr. of science. Dissertation subject “The studying of connection between magneto elastic deformations and the energy of magnetocrystallografic anisotropy of hexaferrites”.
Scientific interest: magnetic properties of matter, education process methodical providing.
   He is the author 65 publications, among them - 26 education-methodical proceedings, text-book “Physics”, that was ratified by the Department of Science and Education of Ukraine as text-book for high-school students by specialty “Ecology”.

He is the teacher of physics for students of geology-geographic and ecology faculties.