Volchenko Anatoliy Pavlovich
Doctor in physics and mathematics, Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, School of Physics; Теl.: +38 (057) 707-53-07; |
Volchenko Anatoliy Pavlovich finished in 1962 Kharkov aviation institute on speciality a "engineer is a mechanic" and in 1964 Kharkov state university, physical faculty, on speciality "theoretical physics". In 1964-67 it is a graduate student of the Moscow institute of physics and techniques. And since 1967 works on the department of higher mathematics of physical faculty of the Kharkov national university. In 1971 Volchenko Anatoliy Pavlovich protected candidate's dissertation, and in 1976 - chosen on position of associate professor of department of higher mathematics.
During work on the department of Volchenko A. P. printed more than 40 article and theses to the scientific conferences. He is author more then 6 scientific-methodical developments.
Scientific interests: research of theoretical and experimental ground of the special relativity theory.