The Faculty of Physics

Zakhozhay Volodymyr

    professor of Astronomy Department

    Phone: +38 (057) 707-55-37;
    Address: Svobody sq. 4, 2-7, Kharkiv, 61077.

   In year 1974 he has finished physics faculty of Kharkiv A. M. Gorky State University with specialty “Astronomy”. Starting form year 1973 he was working in the University as laboratory assistant, researcher, director of Astronomical observatory and than director of Astronomical research institute. In years 1980-1991 he was a scientific secretary of workshop “The problem of searching exoplanets” under the Scientific council of comprehensive problem “Radio astronomy” Academy of Sciences of the USSR and all-USSR workshop “Close binaries and multiple stars”.
   He had defended his PhD thesis “Statistical properties of closest stars” in 1987 and his Doctor-of-science Thesis “Statistical regularities in the stellar systems” in 2007. Starting from 2008 he is a professor of Astronomy Department.
He is a member of International Astronomical Union and European Astronomical Society.
He is a member special scientific councils “Д 64.051.02” of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and   “К 26.062.13” of National Aviation University.
   He is a member of Editorial Board of “Astronomical school messenger” journal (Ukraine).
   Scientific interests: stellar, substellar and exoplanets physics; stellar astronomy, statistical cosmogony, cosmomicrophysics, history of astronomy.
   He lectures courses:  “General Astrophysics”, “Stellar Astronomy”, “Stellar and Substellar Evolution”, “Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology”.

Main scientific publications:

1. Initial Jeans mass spectra of the three models of galactic star formation: a theoretical model // Astron. Astrophys. Transact. – 1995. – V.6. – Р. 221-228.
2. Possible application of Graphs to Galactic evolution // Astron. Astrophys. Transact. – 1996. – V. 10. – Р. 321-328.
3. Evidence of recent changes in the local Galactic IMF of stars and substars // Astrophys. Space Sci. – 2008. – V. 315, No. 1-4. – P. 13-19.
4. Статистическая теория дискретного описания эволюции звездных систем // Изв. Крымской Астрофиз. Обс. – 2009. – Т. 104, № 6. – С. 80-86.
5. Статистическая космогония – новое направление в исследовании эволюции звездных систем // Изв. ГАО в Пулкове. – 2009. – № 219, вып.4. – С. 105-110.
6. The SEDs of Circumsubstellar Protoplanetary Disks / Zakhozhay O.V., Zakhozhay V.A. // In: Pathways Towards Habitable Planets. – Barcelona, Spain. – 14-18 September, 2009. – ASP Conference Series, Vol. 430, 2010. – Visent Coudé du Foresto, Dawn M. Gelino, and Ignasi Ribas, eds. – San Francisco, 2010. – P. 560-563.