General information

B.I. Verkin |
V.G.Hotkevich |
M.O. Obolenskii |
The Chair of Low-Temperature Рhysics was founded in 1979 on the basis of specialization in the structure of the Chair of experimental physics, which was started in 1952. The first chief and collaborator of the Chair of Low-Temperature Рhysics was Corresponding Member of Academy of Science of USSR, Professor V.G.Hotkevich. Names of an outstanding scientist and organizer of science, Academician B.I. Verkin and famous specialist in the field of defective structure, Professor V.O. Pervakov connected with the history of the Chair of Low-Temperature Рhysics. Since 1987 the Chair is headed by Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor, Soros Professor, Academician of High School of Ukraine, honours student of Ukraine M.O. Obolenskii.
The Chair of Low-Temperature Рhysics was in the number of specialized chairs of system of Ministry of Education of USSR and now it remains the only chair in the system of high educational establishments of Ukraine and is the basis for training specialists in this field. Activity of the Chair of Low-Temperature Рhysics was supported by grants of SCST of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science, Soros Foundation, Department of Science and Education of NATO. Among the teachers and scientists of the Chair of Low-Temperature Рhysics there are 5 Doctors (Obolenskii M.O., Merisov B.O., Lebedev V.P., Shklovskii V.O.) and 8 candidates of sciences.
Problematic scientific and research laboratory of low-temperature physics and helium liquefied stantion, which remain the only units of such type in higher educational establishments of Ukraine, work at the chair.
The chair trains specialists in the field of low-temperature physics in two branches: scientifically pedagogical and scientifically productive. The chair has three laboratory practical trainings. Most graduates of this chair now work in PTILT NASU, UPTI NASU, IRE NASU, Institute of Monocrystals NASU and other scientific and educational institutions. The chair cooperates with scientific establisments of foreign countries: USA, England, Germany, Greece and others.
Many-sided and scientific activity of the chair. Scientists of this chair researched low-measuring structures in order to increase critical temperature of superconductors; quasihomogeneous systems; high-temperature superconductors (phase diagrams of vortical substance, pining and dynamics of vortices in monocrystals YbaCuO as well); influence of mechanical efforts during low temperatures on the properties of solids; energetic parameters of creation and migration of structural defects; influence of parameters of low-temperature plastic deformation of metals on the nature and kinetics of structural defects; interaction of dislocations with quasipartial excitation in crystals and with magnetic structure of intermediate and compound states of superconductors.
Scientists of the Chair of low-temperature physics made great impact in the study of appropriateness of deformation of normal metals in strong magnetic fields, in research electronic properties of metals (roles of mechanisms of dispersion of conduction electrons in metals according to specificity their electronic, phononic spectra and defective structure).
The chair and PSRL of low-temperature physics take part in the solution of the main problem of physics of solid – creation fundamental scientific basis of utilization of material properties. Scientists hold researches of thermal and transport processes in solids with defects in the wide interval of temperatures.
From 2012, the department was headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Vovk R.