The Faculty of Physics

Ermolaev Alexander Mikhajlovich

    Professor emeritus of theoretical physics department named after academician I. M. Lifshits (retired);

    Теl.: +38 (057) 707-54-30
    Аddress: Physical Faculty, Svoboda sqr.,4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine.

   Born on June, 16, 1938 in Zagryzovo Koupyansk’s District of the Kharkiv Region. In 1961 graduated from physics and matematics faculty of Kharkov State Unviersity.
   PhD in Physics and Mathematics (1969), Kharkov State University, "To the theory of the quasi-local states and indirect exchange interaction in metals".
   Doctor of Science Physics and Mathematics (1989), Kharkov State University, "Magnetoimpurity states of electrons in solids".
   Since 1961 he worked in the Kharkov university on positions of assistant, senior engineer, senior researcher, associate professor and professor. During 1993-2013 he was the head of the of theoretical physics department. Since April 2015 he is a professor emeritus of the of theoretical physics department named after academician I. M. Lifshits.
   He is a member of the Specialized Council at Institute of Single crystals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Specialized Council at School of Physics.
He is a member of editorial boards of scientific journals: “University Bulletin. Series Physics”, "Physical engineering of surface".
   Scientific direction is theoretical physics, in particular condensed matter.
   Alexander Ermolaev during his pedagogical career taught main courses of general and theoretical physics and the following advanced courses: quantum statistics and kinetics, theory of superconductivity, theory group for physicists, mechanics of  continuum media.
   A.M. Ermolaev - author of textbooks "Introduction in statistical physics and thermodynamics" (in Ukrainian, 2004, 516 p.), "Lectures on quantum statistics and kinetics" (in Russian, 2012, 504 p.).
Awards: Excellence in Education of Ukraine, winner of the Municipal Administration Award named after Academician K.D. Sinel’nikov.
   Author more than 200 scientific papers and textbooks. He was a supervisor of 5 PhD students.