The Faculty of Physics
The Department Members Working paper Teaching materials  

General information about a department

      The Department of higher Mathematics of Physics Faculty was created in the autumn of 1963. Till now the courses of mathematics for physicists read lectures of department of geometry(on 1-2 courses) and department of methods of mathematical physics (3-4 courses) of Mathematics and Mechanical faculty. The initiator of creation of department of higher mathematics especially for physicists was professor V.I. Khotkevich, at that time he was the dean of Physical faculty. The purpose of the organization of the department on a special mathematical in a necessary for physicists volume and maintenance, by analogy with the same departments in the Moscow and Leningrad universities. The newly formed Department of Mathematics conducted all mathematical courses on Physics, Radiophysics and faculty of Physics and Technology  (before a move last in pos. Pyatikhatki).

V.I. Khotkevich Z.S. Agranovich
   The first head of the department was Z.S. Agranovich (1963-1978 years), then the department was headed by associate professor V.K. Dubovoy (1978-1988 years), from 1988 until 2008, the department was headed by Y.M. Dyukarev. Since 2014 Acting Head is Dr. D.V. Chibisov.

DepartmentofMathematicsin 2018.
DyukarevY. M., Podolskay K. A., Butenko  T.V., Litvinova O.G., Zavgorodnya N.M., ChibisovD.V.,Parfenova N.D. , LazorenkoO.V., Zinenko S.N.

   Currently at the Department of Mathematics there are 10 lectures and labotants, including three doctors and four candidates of physical and mathematical sciences.
   Department of Mathematics provides lectures as well as practical classes and laboratory works in mathematics and computer science and programming on the Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Radiophysics, Biomedical electronics and Computer systems.
Telephone of department: +38 (057) 707-53-07.
Postal address of department:
Department of higher mathematics (room 5-32)
Physical faculty
Kharkov National University
Svoboda square, 4
61022, Kharkov, Ukraine