The Problem Research Laboratory of Low Temperature Physics
The Problem Research Laboratory of Low Temperature Physics was established in 1966 by decisive of Ukrainian Government in V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University. The Laboratory is attached to the Low Temperature Physics Chair of Physics Faculty. The Laboratory and the helium liquefier Station is the only unit of its kind in the Ukrainian universities. The First supervisor of The Laboratory was the Corresponding Fellow of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor V.I. Khotkevich, now Professor M.A. Obolensky provides the scientific guidance of Laboratory.
The Laboratory is an experimental base of the Low Temperature Physics Chair. The main focus is to study the thermal and transport processes, as well as superconductivity, including high-temperature superconductors, in the solids with defects in a wide temperature and magnetic fields ranges. The Laboratory has the great experience in the investigation of electronic, thermal and mechanical properties of metals and construction materials in a wide temperature range.
The Laboratory fruitfully collaborated with such firms as the A. Tupolev ASTC, SPU “Energia”, Institute of Thermal Processes, SPU “Cryogenmash”, SPU “Geliymash”, SPU “Geophysics”, State Standard of Ukraine, NSC “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, etc. < br />
The results of studies based on PRL LTP maintain 5 DS and 15 PhD theses.
The cryogenic laboratory
The Cryogenic Laboratory that operates at the KhNU’s Physics Department is the only facility among the universities of Ukraine, which provides cryogenic liquids (liquid nitrogen and helium) and where the relevant scientific research and educational activities of KhNU are carried out.
The Nitrogen and helium liquefier stations were founded in the KhNU’s Physics Department in the late 60's of the 20th century. The installation of these cryogenic systems was associated with the intensification of the research in the field of low temperature physics. A specific task was the development of the space programme that involved many of Kharkiv’s research centers and technological establishments. In particular, the cryogenic research activities of the progrmamme in Kharkov State University were carried out by the Special Laboratory of Low Temperature Physics.
At the present time, in Ukraine, the singular facility regarding the Low Temperature Physics at academic (higher education) level operates at KhNU (Department of Low Temperature Physics). The Department, with extensive experience and expertise provides high skilled education and training and gives the opportunity to the senior students (worldwide) to perform research in all areas of state of art applied physics at temperatures nearby the absolute zero.
The lab is home to a number of low temperature systems and provides liquid nitrogen for research purposes at a number of faculties of the university. Its main equipment consists of helium liquefier system G-45: 40 liters of liquid helium per hour.