The Faculty of Physics
The Department Members Working paper Teaching materials

General Information


      A department of general physics is one of the eldest departments on a physical faculty. It is founded in 1940 with the purpose of teaching of courses of general physics on the natural faculties of unphysical type - chemical, biological, geografical and ecological.

     First and unchanging up to 1971 year a manager of a department was an associate professor A.S. Mil'ner. During his management on a department began and developed scientific researches in area of magnetism, in particular, on properties of cube-textured ferrits and magnetic thin-films. In 1964 on a department a specialization «Physics of the magnetic phenomena» was opened. Thereafter a scientific subjects  related to development of physical bases of creation and comprehensive research of oxide magnetic materials began intensively to develop. On the basis of receipt and research of static and

resonance magnetic properties of hexagonal ferrimagnetic materials the devices which are utillized in high and ultra-high frequencies region and high-dense magnetic recording technics are developed. Logical continuation of previous researches is a study of spin glass state in ferrimagnetic media.
   In opening of specialization a considerable role was played by member-in-correspondence of Ukrainian NAS A.S. Borovik. A ponderable contribution to becoming of specialization was brought by academician of NAS V. V. Eremenko and Prof. Yu. A. Mamaluy.
   On a department intensive investigations of structural phase transitions in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric crystals are carried out now. These objects being a classic model objects find a technical wideuse as sensors of different type, transformers of laser radiation, elements of self-reactance generators of light and data storages.
   Last years, due to the developed newest technologies, a transition from macroscopic to the nanoscale objects (ultrasmall particles and nanoclusters of oxide ferrimagnets, single- and multi-layered tapes) is carried out. The using of the magnetic nanosized systems in the different areas of science, technique, biology and medicines stipulated the insistent requirement in preparation of specialists - physicists of the proper type. In this connection, and also taking into account experience of effective research work of teachers and research workers of department, in 2008 an additional specialization «Magnetism of the nanosized materials» is opened on a department
   An important factor in graduation of specialists is a collaboration with the department of low temperature magnetism of B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperatures Physics and Engineerings where the branch of department was founded in 1987. Here students carry out the research practice, execute the bachelor and magister diploma papers. The highly skilled workers of this institute are brought over to participating in an educational process.
   On a department a scientific seminar where the results of scientific researches and materials of dissertations works regularly.
   A department carries out scientific contacts on agreements with A. F. Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute (Sankt.-Petersbourg, Russia), with P. J. Shafarik University (Slovakia, Koshice), with Center of namostructured materials and nanotechnologies (CNTM) of the Belgorod state University (Belgorod, Russia).
   A student of the department obtains bachelor's and master's degrees on specializations of «Physicist of the magnetic phenomena» and «Magnetism of the nanosized materials».

The results of scientific and educational-methodical work of the department

  • Over the years of the department defended 24 candidate and 5 doctoral dissertations.
  • Total number of department publications 967, including 473 - scientific articles, 494 -abstracts of papers at scientific conferences at various levels, 70 - guides to general physics and physics of magnetic phenomena.
  • Employees of the department received 34 certificates and 4 patents.
  • The teachers of the department published 3 textbooks: Боровик Е.С., Мильнер А.С. «Лекции по ферромагнетизму», Боровик Е.С., Мильнер А.С., Еременко В.В. «Лекции по магнетизму», Палєхін В.П. «Фізика»; 2 monographs: В.В.Еременко «Введение в оптическую спектроскопию магнетиков», В.В.Еременко, Ю.Б.Литвиненко, В.Н.Науменко, Н.Ф.Харченко «Магнитооптика и спектроскопия антиферромагнетиков»; tutorial Ю.А.Попков «Основы теории кристаллического поля».