The Faculty of Physics
The Department Members Working paper Teaching materials Schoolleaver

Professors and teachers of cathedra:

Yurij G. Shkuratov, head of cathedra, corresponding member of NASU, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

Vasilij G. Shevchenko, deputy head of cathedra, associated professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Vladimir A. Zahozhaj, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

Irina N. Belskaya, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

Petr N. Fedorov, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

Elena Yu. Bannikova, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

Vadim G. Kaydash, director of SRI of Astronomy of KhNU, associated professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Viktor V. Korokhin, associated professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Dmitrij G. Stankevich, assistant professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Ivan G. Slyusarev, senior lecturer, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Larysa V. Rohachova, assistant of cathedra

For last ten years the next teaching books were wrote:

1. Alexandrov Yu.V. Astrophysics. 2014. 216 p.
2. Prishliak N.P., Alexandrov Yu.V., Gretsky А.М. Astronomy. Synopsis of lessons. 2013.
3. Shkuratov Yu.G. Walking in Science. 2013.
4. Zakhozhay V.А. Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmogony. 2012.
5. Space and People. 2011.
6. Alexandrov Yu.V. Mechanic of Continuous Medium. Astrophysical Applications. 2011.
7. Alexandrov Yu.V. Introduction to Cosmonautics. 2009.
8. 200 Anniversary of Astronomy in Kharkiv University. 2008.
9. Alexandrov Yu.V. Bases of Multydimentions Cosmology. 2007.
10. Shkuratov Yu.G. The Moon: distant and near. 2006.
11. Alexandrov Yu.V. Celestial Mechanics. 2006.
12. Alexandrov Yu.V., Gretsky А.М., Prishliak N.P. Astronomy.The book for teacher. 2005.
13. Alexandrov Yu.V. Bases of Relativistic Cosmology. 2004.
14. Alexandrov Yu.V. Celestial Mechanics. 2004.

Heads of Astronomy Department

Zateplinsky P. A.       (1824 – 1834)
Shagin А. F.               (1834 – 1842)
Shidlovsky А. P.        (1843 – 1856)
Fedorenko I. I.           (1857 – 1878)
Levitsky G. V.           (1879 – 1894)
Struve L. О.               (1894 – 1919)
Еvdokimov N. N.       (1921 – 1933)
Barabashov N. P.        (1934 – 1971)
Kuzmenko К. N.         (1972 – 1977)
Аlexandrov Yu. V.     (1978 – 2004)
Gretskij А. M.             (2004 – 2012)
Shkuratov Yu. G.        (2012 – н/в)